
ASE Athletes can provide tuition statements and additional educational expenses, including textbooks and tutoring, and ASE will help cover these costs.

Tax Free Growth Accounts for Retirement

ASE can help create and fund an after-tax individual retirement account and have it managed by Merrill Lynch for you. IRA’s grow at an annual average rate of 7.5%-10% when managed properly. ASE will also assist in transferring this to your future employer if not the NFL.

Housing Subsidies

ASE Athletes can provide rent and/or mortgage bills and ASE will help cover these costs.

Equipment and Training

ASE Athletes can provide any equipment or training they’ve been seeking to acquire and ASE will help cover these costs.

Exclusive NIL Networking

ASE Athletes will be introduced to NIL endorsers and have an OpenDorse NIL account created, customized, and managed to find even more endorsement opportunities.